(First, huge thanks to fellow expat Jim Forbes for passing along this information. I had given up hope.) Comunidad.Madrid now permits elderly vaccine seekers to book appointments online! Here’s how: (♦) Go to https://www.comunidad.madrid/covid-19 (♦) Scroll past the likely-familiar text on this page until you discover an unfamiliar gray rectangular box: (Para colectivos especificos means ‘for…
All posts in May 2021

Ruta de las Caras in Cuenca, Spain
One unheralded day in 1992, among the young pines on the southern banks of Spain’s Buendía reservoir, Madrileños Eulogio Reguillo and Jorge Maldonado hoisted chisels to sandstone to commence the sculpture shown above. La Monja, they called it; they started a second sculpture, and a third. Twenty sculptures and bas-reliefs now grace the woodsy, 1.5…