Travels Northwest

Photos from a trek northwest earlier this month are online at Portland, Seattle and Vancouver. I have outed myself as a transit geek, so please don’t be surprised that twelve of the fifteen pix are of people movers.  Why photograph something that yearns for meaning in life when you can point the camera at a…

Back to Transitophile …

… if you’ve been rudely redirected, and are wondering why the URL in the address bar looks unfamiliar. You’re not on a Russian spam site. You didn’t swallow anything funny at lunch. This blog now lives at Just like the original, but without those pesky nine extra characters. No more redirects (I sincerely…

Posts from TransitoPhile blog …

… are below, thanks to the importing capabilities of WordPress.  I don’t think they look as nice as they did on, but suppose I should be grateful that I can pull them in at all. In any case, you’ve been informed.  Posts below = 2011.  Posts above = 2013 and later.